robotic performancePneumatic structure

Non-humanoid robotic performance

First part of my research focus on human-robot interaction (HRI), exploring the interactivity and performability of robotic arms. On the one hand, I explores how to systematically plan the pose design and motion generation of non-humanoid robots (specifically six-axis robotic arms) by using the notation based choreography method, so that robots can realize artistic expressive movements on the stage. On the other hand, I explored how interactive flexible materials can promote cognitive interaction and integrate into industrial manufacturing development.

Self-forming Pneumatic structure with thermal plastics

In this segment of the research, we investigate the potential of recycled thermoplastic materials to create programmable, self-forming pneumatic structures. By focusing on parametric texturing, topological optimization, and innovative hot pressing processes powered by customized CNC technology, we aim to unlock new ways of shaping and activating these materials. The ultimate goal is to develop adaptive, energy-efficient structures that can respond to various environmental or functional demands—whether in architecture, product design, or other contexts.